Wes ashworth


John Wesley “Wes” Ashworth, III was born in Memphis, Tn and moved to Collierville, Tn in 1980. Wes’ mom was an accomplished oil artist and his dad a civil engineer. Under his mother’s tutelage, Wes developed a love for oil painting. Wes studied under portrait master Paul Penczner but followed his father and became a professional civil engineer. Recently, Wes decided to devote more time to painting. In January 2018, Wes started taking lessons from Collierville Artist Pam Hassler. The improvement has been amazing. Wes hopes to slowly transition from engineering to full time painting over the next few years. He says It feels like finally marrying your high school sweetheart, after 40 years!

Being a Land Surveyor since age 13, has taken me to places few have ever seen. I enjoy painting from nature, but do not have a consistent theme to my art. I paint scenes and people that intrigue me. If I can make the viewer of my art stop for 10 seconds and observe something they’ve never taken the time to in the past, I’ve done my job. Painting for me compares to floating in still water. I lose time, forget troubles, and relax. Nothing else matters when I paint.