James L. Holt


I was born in South Carolina and moved to Memphis at a young age. I grew up in Frayser, graduated from Memphis State with a Degree in Communications & Fine Arts and minor in Philosophy. After a brief time in video and film production I attended U of M Law School. Licensed to practice in Tennessee and California I continue the practice of Law in Memphis with a focus on employment issues.

I am married, an unapologetic believer in Jesus Christ, with a love for the wonders of nature and a thirst to experience the best in word, the arts and music.

My interest in photography followed in the footsteps of my father. Capturing images with a camera has long been a preoccupation. Sharing those images publicly is relatively new.  While mostly from the natural world it is my humble endeavor to create images that reveal something beautiful be it joyful or conflicted and haunting. 

Der Panther (right)

As a child I approached the Old Cathouse at Overton Park. Roars echoed throughout the Park.  I suspect I am not the only one who entered with a mix of fear and wonder. Growls echoed off the concrete walls as I stood before these magnificent wild beasts. The Panther was pacing back and forth behind its world of bars and something happened. The Austrian poet R. M. Rilke had a similar moment at the Zoo in Paris and was able to find the words. This photo was taken at Overton Park Zoo and is my homage to Rilke and that moment.